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Our Objectives

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AGHMPCS, or the All Garo Hills Multipurpose Co-operative Society Ltd. is a collective of all aspiring primary Co-operative Societies operating in the Garo Hills division of Meghalaya. The purpose of AGHMPCS is to work towards socio-economic wellbeing and fixed income routes for our farmers, by providing necessary intellectual and monetary resources. 


AGHMPCS will act as a collective, providing functional literacy, institutional support and expertise to transform primary cooperative societies into sustainable economic models.  


Our Pillars

What makes AGHMPCS authentic?

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Individualised Support

The Co-operative will be supplying our affiliated primary co-operatives with inputs according to their needs as individual shareholders as well as their needs as a co-operative society. Training and capacity building will play a big role as part of this objective. 

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Promoting Women Empowerment

Ensuring long-term sustainability of the organisation will depend largely on our women workforce. Therefore, capacity building of women leaders and generating more employment opportunities for them is an integral part of our agenda. 

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Value Addition to Products

We aim to improve the marketability of our products by facilitating branding and packaging of our agriculture produce to best suit a wider market base. 

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Prioritising Sustainability

An important aspect of the Co-operative will be to highlight and promote sustainability among the tribal communities, including health and well-being, quality education, development of skills. 

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Enabling Physical Infrastructure

We will facilitate physical infrastructure within the next 10 years for every affiliated primary Co-operative Society in a way that ensures there is a space to conduct their activities. 

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Overall, our objectives aim to bring about systemic improvement in the lives of Garo Hill farmers, while prioritising entrepreneurial promotion as a means to achieve that goal. Join us in our movement of liberating farmers from traditional market routes, and providing them with opportunities to sell their products on a national scale. 

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